What’s on in Tuscany and Umbria in November

November in Tuscany and Umbria .
The Tuscany Umbria Blog top picks for November in Tuscany and Umbria.
- November 1 to 3 – Truffle Festival in Città di Castello – https://www.cittadicastelloturismo.it/il-tartufo-bianco/
- November 8 to 17 in Perugia at San Martino dei Colli Wine and chestnuts festival with fireworks more info at: www.sanmartinodeicolli.it
- November 9 and 10 – San Martino in Cantina a great Open cellars event in Tuscany and Umbria to share with wine lovers the joy of tasting wines from the latest harvest as well as tasting them with seasonal products. See the list at: http://www.movimentoturismovino.it/en/events/5/cantine-aperte-a-san-martino/
- November 9 and 10 in Montepulciano Tuscany and Valle D’Aosta Food Festival inside the historical centre of the City – all about Tuscan food + Special guest, food from Valle d’Aosta – From 10.00 AM to 8 PM
- November 9, 10, 10 and 17 – Truffle Festival in San Giovanni D’Asso. More info at: https://www.tartufodisangiovannidasso.it/
- From November 16 in Montepulciano – Santa Claus’ Village of is back. A unique experience for adults and children, a new and funny world where to spend in harmony and serenity the days of the Advent and your Christmas holidays. http://www.nataleamontepulciano.it/
- November 16 and 17 – Oliovagando in Magione – A local olive oil festival – with the occasion maybe you can visit the Castel of Magione and it’s winery. http://www.lagotrasimeno.co.uk/pg.dettaglio.php?id=97&cat=1&tab_item=6&tab_cat=68&lang=en
- From November 16 in Gubbio – Events and Christmas market http://www.gubbionatale.it/Calendario.aspx
- From November 16 in Arezzo – Markets and events. See more at: http://mercatodinatalearezzo.it/programma/
- From November 30 Enjoy the Christmas market in Firenze at Piazza Santa Croce.
- November 23 in Chianciano – The Christmas village opening
- Do you travel with kids? If it is rainy you can enjoy the ludoteca in Chiusi Scalo, at via Morgantini – Cost is 4 euro per hour + 20 euro for the Association card.
- Is it training all day? Enjoy the thermal springs in San Casciano dei Bagni at Fonteverde resort we have the 15% off for our guests. Where: Località Terme 1, 53040 San Casciano dei Bagni Siena, Toscana, Italy http://www.fonteverdespa.com/