Lake  Trasimeno is a beautiful place, famous for its scenery, ever changing light and glorious sunsets.

Woven into this landscape are hill-top towns, lakeshore fishing villages and fortresses. I could never tire of exploring the region, walking the many trails and experiencing its natural beauty. To my delight, I’ve just discovered another perspective, a bird’s eye view so to speak, from a small single-engine light aircraft on a tour of the lake.

A Bird's eye view of Lake Trasimeno

pilot-for-a-day-lake-trasimeno Photo credit Andrew Jones

Pilot for a day: Lake Trasimeno

Take off is from the tiny airstrip at Montemelino (gps 43.103327,12.252417), or by request from the airfield at Castiglione del Lago. The route taken is flexible, you can either rely on the local knowledge of pilot Stefano, or ask him to fly over some specific places of interest.

My own flight path took me first to beautiful Agello, with its predominant hill-top bell tower. Agello overlooks the airstrip, so we were circling the town in less than two minutes from take off.


Agello – Photo credit Andrew Jones

Onwards then towards Paciano, on the way experiencing awe-inspiring views Northwards across the lake and Southwards over the wooded hills. Paciano is one of the most beautiful villages in the region and if it were possible, it seemed even more beautiful from the air.

Photo credit Andrew Jones 

Paciano – Photo credit Andrew Jones

Leaving Paciano, we passed over Fontegirasole on our way back to the lake.


Fontegirasole, Paciano, Umbria – vacation homes

Above San Fatucchio we turned and made a bearing for Castiglione del Lago, the largest town on the lake, with its imposing fortress a most interesting spectacle.


Castiglione del Lago – Photocredit Andrew Jones

Ahead and to our left the islands Isola Maggiore and Isola Minore beckoned. Instead, we flew towards Isola Polvese the third island on LagoTrasimeno, with the fishing village of Sant’Archangelo forming a backdrop. We then swept past the other fishing village of San Feliciano, to make a tight circle around Monte del Lago before heading back to Montemelino.

Monte del Lago – Photo credit Andrew Jones

A last backward glance revealed  the delicate boardwalk jutting out into the lake at Oasi La Valle and then the lake slipped out of our view.

Finally, the rush of the ground by getting closer as we approached the grass airstrip and in no time we were back on land again. It was an interesting and exhilarating trip, well worth a try.

Pilot for a Day, Lake Trasimeno:

Air tour provided by Fly Felix Phone: 3294931814

Andrew is an enthusiast photographer living in Ireland and Paciano, his work can be seen at

Paciano and Lago Trasimeno -Photo credit Andrew Jones


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