Christmas in Umbria and Tuscany

Christmas in Umbria and Tuscany…
Tuscany and Umbria are known for having some of the best December Christmas events in Italy: read below for information about: – the Christmas nativity scenes in Orvieto and Città della Pieve, – the world’s biggest Christmas tree in Gubbio – Umbria Jazz and Umbria Gospel Festivals.
– The Italian antique fair: 6th and 7th of December . Not to miss, 120 selected shops from all Italy will present their Christmas collections.
Eat at la Torre di Gnicche, a small and cosy place covered in shelves with more than 800 bottles of selected wines. via San Michele 8, tel 0039 0575 352035
+ December Christmas Market at Piazza del Comune e Piazza at Santa Chiara
– Or Shopping at The Prada Outlet: Pellettieri d’Italia – Located at Levanella, Montevarchi (AR) Tel. +39 055.91901 A1
Opening times: Monday – Friday: 10.00 a.m. – 19.00 p.m. Saturday : 9,30.00 a.m. – 19.00 p.m. Sundays: 14.00 p.m.- 19.00 p.m.
27th of December – Pre New Year market and events
From around the 8th of December – A special display of life size people dressed in the traditional costumes of farmers, merchants, with scenes all through the streets, including a full size manger in the center.
1st of December 2014 to 6th of January 2015 info:
+ The Monumental Nativity Scene of Città della Pieve is part of a traditi
The Monumental Nativity Scene of Città della Pieve is part of a tradition which has been handed down for decades. It was first set up in 1957 by the Terziere Castello and its collaborators to commemorate the age-old tradition of the Umbrian nativity scene.
From that first edition, thanks to the skill and imagination of some able artisans, the nativity scene of Città della Pieve has become one of the major attractions in Italy with thousands of visitors each year.
Set in the evocative underground vaults of Palazzo della Corgna, the Monumental Nativity Scene, scene after scene leads up to the “Nativity”.
Dates of the event:
Every day from 25th December to 6th January, from 9.30a.m. to 12.30p.m. and from 3.00p.m. to 7.00p.m.
The biggest Christmas Tree of the world from 7th to 31st of December
This year, Pope Francis from the Vatican will turn on the Tree lights from a tablet on the 7th of December.
PICASSO AND THE SPANISH MODERNITY AT PALAZZO STROZZI – Up the 25th of January – 90 works including paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings and even a film by Val del Omar. Curated by Eugenio Carmona.
AND THE CHRISTMAS EVENTS from 22ND of November to 6th of January 2014
Umbria Jazz Winter # 22 – December 27 – January 1
in Orvieto FROM 27 DECEMBER TO 1 January. Umbria Jazz Winter in Orvieto for the twenty-second edition: This year there will be six days of music and more than a hundred events for an appointment which has become traditional in the panorama of Italian jazz.
We love the evening Street Parade
by FUNK OFF at 11.30 AM and 6.00 PM almost every day.
8th of December: 12.30 AM Social Lunch in the village, at “centro di vita” in San Sebasiano,
meet our local friends and enjoy the lunch (cost is 15 euro per person). Menu: Bruschette, Pasta alla bolognese (meat ragù), turcky. rosbif, wine, vin santo and an italian dessert.
3.00 PM live music ro remember the glory of the past! To book: 0039 349 1865 607
The new Year day at la Loggetta, as soon we’ll post more details.
“Sensational Umbria”
One of the best photo Exhibition of Umbria up to January 2015 Not to miss!
+ “Perugia Special Christmas”
December 6 to 23 in two very central location of the city: Piazza IV Novembre and Piazza Matteotti,
FIFTY stands, 24 of which will be placed around the Fontana Maggiore and dedicated craftsmanship of the highest quality from all over Italy.
In the other square instead space to wine, with the “gem” of caviar and vodka that will come directly from Moscow.
Do not miss an entire area dedicated to the winter garden with a special exhibition and sale of ornamental plants better suited to cold climates.
Fonteverde spa – Every Saturday and Sunday the aperitif at the Spa
• From 8th of December to 6th of January – The Christmas Street market – Mercatino di Natale di Siena – Piazza Matteotti, Piazza Gramsci and Viale XXV Aprile – More info: 0039 0577 292 401
– Sunday, December 8th + 18th of December – from 7.30 AM for all the morning – at Via XXV Aprile a special edition of the WEEKLY MARKET More info: 0039 0577 292 401
– From 13th of December – from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM Street market – Fiera di Santa Lucia – Pian dei Mantellini • info 0039 0577 292401
15th of December 2014 – Mercato nel Campo – Piazza del Campo the MONTHLY MARKET ANTIQUES
Info: 0039 0577 292401
– 19th of December – Marchin’ band around the historical center from 5.30 PM –starring the street band: ABBEY ROAD DIXY BAND
Info: + 39 0577 271401,
– 31st of December: around the old Town – from 7.00 PM to 3.00 AM
Live music, dance, visual arts, DJs, theater and lots of fun for the longest night of the year SIENA: HAPPY LIGHT YEAR
Information: +39 0577 247510,
20th of December – Christmas street Market at Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi Sinalunga (SI)
Please note that on 8 December (Festa dell’Immacolata), 25 December and 1 January, all shops in Italy are closed.